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Global Korea

It is a truism of area studies that the scholarship on a particular area tends to reflect the very concerns and prejudices of that area. In the case of Korean Studies, one of the persistent problems is its nationalist orientation. A moment’s reflection would suggest that the Korean peninsula—dominated culturally by China until Japanese colonial rule in the first half of the twentieth century – cannot be understood endogenously. What is politically understandable—a desire to assert its cultural distinctiveness—vitiates scholarly endeavor. The Global Korea Series seeks to rectify the nationalist and inward-orientation of Korean Studies globally by stressing transnational and global relations and structures.

This series seeks to publish innovative scholarship in Korean Studies across the humanities and social sciences. It is marked by three distinct features: 1) a thematic stress on global and transnational processes affecting the Korean peninsula, 2) a diverse international editorial board, and 3) an intensive vetting and developmental editing process that not only identifies the very best manuscripts at an early stage, but works collaboratively with the author to produce the best work possible.

The Editorial Board will read and discuss the submitted proposals before selecting two to three manuscripts annually. The chosen proposals will each have a book workshop of its own. Funded by the Center for Korean Studies at UC Berkeley, each workshop will convene two senior scholars, a development editor, and a member of the Editorial Board to comment on and discuss with the author in a two-day meeting. Indeed, we have held three workshops already, which will presumably be the first three books published from the proposed Series. 

Global Korea will be an open access book program in partnership with the University of California Press’s Luminos program. Books in the series will be made available as free e-books as well as an affordable paperback edition.


Series Editor:

John Lie is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Berkeley.


Editorial Board: 

Eun-Su Cho is Professor of Philosophy at Seoul National University.

Hyaeweol Choi is Professor of Korean Studies at University of Iowa.

Theodore Hughes is Associate Professor of Korean Literature at Columbia University.

Eun-jeung Lee is Professor of Korean Studies at the Free University of Berlin.

Laura Nelson is Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.

Andre Schmid is Professor of History at the University of Toronto.

Jun Yoo is Associate Professor of Korean Language and Literature at Yonsei University. 

Submission Policy: Please email a brief 250-350 word description of your work plus a CV to Professor John Lie at [email protected]

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