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Luminos Open Access

The Promise of Open Access

Who benefits from free and unrestricted online access to scholarly work and research? Everyone. Authors can share their work with global audiences without cost barriers. Libraries can provide patrons with a wide range of content more affordably. Readers gain easy access to the information they need, when they need it. And when paired with Creative Commons licenses allowing liberal sharing and adapting, research itself benefits and advances.

UC Press and the Luminos Model

At UC Press, open access is central to our mission of giving voice, reach, and impact to bright minds and bold ideas. Our Luminos program offers open access publishing for monographs, with the same high standards for selection, peer review, production, and marketing as for our traditional books program. It's a transformative model, built as a partnership where costs and benefits are shared between the author, publisher, institutions, and libraries. No one entity carries the whole burden, making Luminos sustainable for the long haul.

Learn more about open access monographs at